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Project Boost 4.0 – Big Data for Factories closes

Project Boost 4.0 – Big Data for Factories closes

SQS has participated in the European project Boost 4.0 (Big Data For Factories), dedicated to improving the competitiveness of European connected smart factories and demonstrating the potential of big data technologies as a response to the current challenges of the...

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Winter School: First Data Sharing

Winter School: First Data Sharing

Data sharing and data spaces are increasingly becoming discussion.  The Europe strategy for data, open the path for opportunities in every sector where the use of data will drive the exploitation of new growth potential.  And this is the perfect time to learn more...

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Software validation in the pharmaceutical industry

Software validation in the pharmaceutical industry

In the pharmaceutical industry and the medical sector, given the critical nature of the operating environment, the health of the people involved in the process (patient and/or technical team) requires a very high level of quality for products that are developed in...

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What is Verification and what Validation?

What is Verification and what Validation?

The SQS independent verification and validation services allow our customers to incorporate software quality activities into their development processes. This will allow the quality of the development to be assured and improved throughout the process. But, what is...

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1st Innovalia Week in a virtual format

1st Innovalia Week in a virtual format

The Innovalia Group held the Innovalia Week from July 13th to 17th, a virtual event over a week where the Innovalia Group opened its doors to present solutions, tools and methodologies that are developed and marketed in the group and that are key to overcome the...

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QA&TEST online presents its speakers!

QA&TEST online presents its speakers!

QA&TEST online, the international conference organized by SQS, dedicated to software testing and quality assurance for embedded systems, takes place every year in Bilbao during the month of October. This year, due to the current situation caused by COVID-19,...

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When should software testing activities start?

When should software testing activities start?

Many companies wonder when is the right time to start testing their systems. It is something that raises many doubts but, nevertheless, has a very simple and clear answer: We must start testing the software as soon as possible. On some occasions, the testing process...

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What is QaaS – “Quality as a Service”?

What is QaaS – “Quality as a Service”?

Offering testing and quality assurance services as QaaS (Quality as a Service), allows us to approach complex technologies and systems remotely and supporting the whole development cycle of a system, from planning to operation. When we mention Quality as a Service, we...

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What is ERP testing?

What is ERP testing?

The acronym ERP stands for "enterprise resource planning system", therefore, having an ERP system in companies will facilitate the management of the different operations carried out (logistics, purchasing, warehouse, accounting ...) automatically, from the same...

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ISO 9001

ISO/IEC 27001

ENS-medium level

ISO 20000



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