QA&TEST Embedded is the international conference on Software Testing and Quality Assurance for embedded systems organised annually by Software Quality Systems.

This year, QA&TEST celebrated online its 20th edition on the 20th, 21st and 22nd October.

QA&TEST received professionals from the world of software testing, quality and development, coming from different industrial sectors such as railways, aeronautics, telecommunications, electronics, or medical devices among others. The programme was designed to cover ever-emerging QA innovations and issues exhaustively, let’s have a look at the contents:

The conference  opened its doors with the inaugural keynote by Nancy Van Schooenderwoert and Brian Shoemaker, showing us how to innovate through Agile. This talk is based on medical devices, but the acquired knowledge can perfectly be extrapolated to many other areas of activity. This first day of the conference was completed with presentations divided in two tracks: Test Management and Test Automation and, in parallel, attendees could also choose to attend two training courses:  Software Testing Fundamentals and Unit Testing.

After this first day full of learning, Vipin Jain, an enthusiast of IOT systems with great experience within his company Metacube,  presented his keynote on how to correctly test IOT environments, making a special mention of Smart cities.

After him, various professionals such as Bryan Bakker, test architect at the Dutch company Sioux Technologies, presented their experiences and best practices in terms of testing techniques and approaches (Model-Based Testing, how to test industrial IOT systems, Risk Based Testing…). Likewise, this second day  also offered the possibility of accessing training courses in testing and QA:  Test Automation  Fundamentals and Load and Performance Testing.

The third day of the conference started with Gerie Owen with an inspiring special talk that will help us to transform Quality Assurance into Quality Engineering.

This third day also had two parallel tracks dedicated to Testing for Certification, with speakers representing the medical devices or naval industry, among others, and Testing of Artificial Intelligence. The conference was closed by the keynote speaker Dominik Obermaier  presenting lessons learned about IoT Testing and how to deal with its complexity and scale.

 QA&TEST Embedded 2021 was a success, in terms of attendance and contents. The closing video of the event is available here: Closing video

SQS is already working on the programme of the next edition of its other conference QA&TEST Safety and Security, to be held in March: QA&TEST Safety and Security