IDS Components Evaluation

SQS is, since February 2023, the only laboratory accredited for the validation of data space components according to IDSA (International Data Spaces Association).

We prepare the independent validation report required by IDSA to certify your technological components

What do we guarantee to the user ?


Secure data sharing, complete interoperability (both within a space and with other data spaces) using technology from different manufacturers and/or different data models.

A data space consists of:

  • Technological components that enable sharing
  • Entities that, using these components, provide data, consume data and/or provide services (e.g. provision of digital certificates, infrastructure providers)

The certification program covers both parts:

  • A program has been developed to certify technological components and a program to certify that operational environments, in which participating entities host such technological components, are operated in a secure manner. In this way, trust and the correct operation of all data space actors are guaranteed.
  • The component certification program is based on the DIN 27070 standard, which will soon be ISO, and the criteria that are evaluated include security (ISO62443-4-2), functionality, interoperability, code quality and secure development process.
  • The operational environment certification program is based on the ISO/IEC 27001 standard as a reference standard. These environments are operated under good security practices.


  • Having these certifications will allow a component to be used in different data spaces and an entity to be part (share, consume or offer services) of different data spaces. The final objective is to facilitate the reliable and rapid development and deployment of data spaces.

Contact us and we will help you to certify your components and environments according to IDSA criteria.

**If you want to know more details about the service, visit our page Q-IDSA 

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If you want to know more about the subject or have any other question, do not hesitate, contact us.

ISO 9001

ISO/IEC 27001

ENS-medium level

ISO 20000


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