Today, cities around the world are trying to become smart cities. These Smart cities refer to the automation and large-scale digitization of services and processes that are usually carried out in large cities and that offer as a result the improvement of the quality of life of people. The foundations of these cities are 5G, artificial intelligence, and especially, the internet of things. A huge increase in connected objects is expected, going from 28 billion IOT in the next few years.

Thus, if we have millions of citizens communicating with each other and with other economic entities, for example; we constantly use smart objects or apps for everything, the security risk will be increasing.

Smart cities include concepts such as smart transport, the use of autonomous transport systems, maritime transport, drones, and better management of infrastructure such as power and water supply. This undoubtedly requires a robust and secure infrastructure. Only a city that has as its objective security in its double aspect of safety and security can have the label of smart city.

If you want to know more about smart city testing, in Newsflash magazine issue number 7 you can read an article by Vipin Jain on the “Smart Cities: Challenges and solutions for the Testers” or Professor José A. Ondiviela – ” Ten keys to understand the post-COVID city “.