QA&TEST online presents its speakers!

QA&TEST online presents its speakers!

QA&TEST online, the international conference organized by SQS, dedicated to software testing and quality assurance for embedded systems, takes place every year in Bilbao during the month of October. This year, due to the current situation caused by COVID-19,...
Who organises QA&TEST?

Who organises QA&TEST?

SQS, Software Quality Systems, organises QA&TEST conferences since the very beginning. This year, the International Conference on Software QA and Testing on Embedded Systems, will celebrate its 17th edition on 17-18-19 October – Euskalduna Conference Centre...
QA&TEST 2018 Programme

QA&TEST 2018 Programme

Our conferences goal is that our attendees improve their skills in testing and QA while becoming part of a worldwide network of embedded testing professionals. How do we get it? First of all, our program reflects current industry hot topics and allows attendees to...
A track on Rails & Roads in QA&TEST 2018

A track on Rails & Roads in QA&TEST 2018

Aware of the importance of embedded software in this sector, QA&TEST 2018 will dedicate a complete track to Rails & Roads. The keynote speaker Michiel Vroon will open the track Testing road tunnels in the Netherlands” and this complex infrastructural project...